aku mula kenal bandar ni, sejak umur aku 17 tahun. oh mentahnya aku. ingat lagi dulu, kalau aku ke bandar ini - bandar cahaya, yang tak pernah lelap, penuh segala macam aktiviti gelap - aku akan berkomuter saja. berbackpacking sama deuter. bersama, kami akan jelajah kota, dan aku akan selalu teruja dengan orangnya, bangunannya dan segala macam parti yang takkan pernah ada atau sehebat di tempat lain di malaysia ni. and I also remember, how the wind smells and colors of the sky intrigues me. for me, everything is exciting to see in kl, than what I had back in n. sembilan.
being what i am, a person who constantly seeks freedom and knowledge (and one who would try anything outrageous and wrong, especially more when somebody told me not to) you can imagine how being born and living in n.sembilan brings great deprivation to me.
so at 17 and raging blood, i swore to myself that i must conquer the city someday, at any cost. there i was at 17, creating images in my head. all the hopes, dreams and the kind of success i wished achieve once i'm in kl.
10 years after that, of which at least half of those years i resided full time in kl, i found something. something true and important.
that i was wrong.
now, at 27 and still with a raging blood, i just can't wait to go back home or away from this shitty place. dreams and hopes and all the good stuff can survive and live anywhere. anywhere at all; even in a fucking penitentiary.
which is why today, i deactivated my fb account and deleted all my past 2,871 yahoomails in hopes to relive life as a new person, yet again.
that's the best part about life - you can't rewind or fast forward it, but you sure can start all over again.
i've been overhauled. oh yes!